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With expertise in customer experience mapping, voice of the customer, user experience & service design, and implementing analytics across the end to end customer experience I founded SimplyCX to help companies accelerate customer experience strategies and find hidden opportunities for growth


I've been fortunate to have the opportunity to drive global award-winning customer experience design programs and work with a legion of global CX evangelists!


I am available to consult on strategies but also roll up my sleeves to do the heavy lifting for change management and program building.

I also have a network additional freelancers who can augment projects as needed, with various complimentary skill sets.


Originally from Scotland, I've been lucky to have lived and traveled to the EU, Africa, Asia, the Middle East. I am now based in Santa Barbara, California. I enjoy playing volleyball, e-biking, learning improv, paddle-boarding, playing and creating music, and videography. Mostly I enjoy having a laugh. Keeping a sense of humor (humour UK spelling) and helping others to thrive and be successful is paramount.

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